The basic Swimming Course “Fit for the Sepferdchen”

  • max. 6 students
  • Lessons in the water accompanying instead of from the poolside
  • Learn the basics of breaststroke, backstroke and diving
  • Online course for preparation and support – 6 videos
  • german and english
  • free Seepferdchen exam during the course


INDOOR (September – June)

  • Warm pool, exclusive atmosphere at ARZ Adlershof
  • 8 sessions of 45 minutes each over 4-10 weeks on weekends


OUTDOOR (June – September)

  • Holiday course at Strandbad Wendenschloss
  • eventful and refreshingly different
  • 10 units á 45 minutes compact over 2 weeks

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Fragen zu den Terminen und Kursen

The KURA PRO basic Swimming Course “Fit for the Sepferdchen”

  • Your child is between 5 and 11 years old and cannot (yet) swim safely ?
  • You live near the water or the next beach holiday is just around the corner and you are worried about the safety of your child?
  • Have you been looking for a free place at a swimming school for a while or are you on an ultra-long waiting list?
  • Your child has already had a bad experience in a swimming course and you want to show them that dealing with the water can also be fun?
  • Your Mini-Me wants to be able to participate in water sports activities (such as sailing, rowing, SUPing, …) without restrictions?


Our “Fit for the Seepferdchen” course is designed to teach your Mini-Me the skills they need to achieve the Seepferdchen badge. This includes the basics of breaststroke and backstroke, diving and jumping into the water from the edge of the pool. All this in a high-energy atmosphere with a lot of fun.

The price includes personal and individual support for the students, admission to the swimming course, a certificate at the end and our online course for preparation and support.

The swimming course is primarily intended to teach the minis the necessary safety in the water and the joy of being in the water. Since I know myself how much stress an exam situation can cause there is no fixed date for the Seepferdchen exam. I watch your Mini with his progress during the course. If all requirements are met, the certificate for the Seepferdchen and the badge are handed over at the end – in addition to the course certificate.

What’s the next step? To consolidate your knowledge, we recommend attending the advanced course “Fit für’s Seepferdchen Plus”. The Seepferdchen badge can also be taken in this course. The minis deepen their knowledge of breaststroke, backstroke and diving and thus gain even more confidence in the water.


Requirements to achieve the Seepferdchen Badge:

  • self-initiated jump into the water, followed by a swim of at least 25 metres
  • diving for an object from shoulder-deep water with simultaneous eye-opening for orientation
  • Rendition of the bathing rules in own words.


Bewertungen Ralf Rossbach

Was meine Fans sagen.

“Alle unsere Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer wachsen während ihres Kurses mehrfach über sich hinaus.” – bringt es auf den Punkt. Doch eigentlich ist es noch viel mehr. Gemeinsam entdecken wir Talente, fühlen Freude, feiern Erfolge und haben jede Menge Spaß.

Jahre Erfahrung
1 +
Leuchtende Kinderaugen
1 +
Stunden Kinderlachen
1 +

Angebot Seepferdchen

Fit fürs Seepferdchen

–        Kurs „Fit fürs Seepferdchen“

–        5-6 Teilnehmende

–        INDOOR (SEP-JUN)

Warmes Becken und exklusive Atmosphäre

–        8 Einheiten á 45min über 4-10 Wochen

–        OUTDOOR (JUN-SEP)

Erlebnisreich und erfrischend anders

–        10 Einheiten á 45min kompakt über 2 Wochen

–        Unterricht im Wasser begleitend statt vom Beckenrand

–        deutsch und englisch

–        kostenfreie Seepferdchen-Prüfung innerhalb des Kurses

Danach 50% Rabatt

Ab 6 Jahre